
Forever Couples 
Therapy For Couples

Honeymooners Forever 12 Step Marriage Guide provides a simple structure to transform your relationship. Phoebe brings neuroscience to this simple strategy. Know what to do, and why you need to do it, to make your relationship amazing! Start today.

Forever Couple
Therapy Training
For Counsellors

Honeymooners Forever - Simple steps, yet Powerful Results!

Bringing Neuroscience to Relationships.

Included: Videos, Free book, Marriage Map, Articles and Diagrams

For Employment

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Ever wondered what happens in a marriage counselling session? Well, I'll let you have a glimpse. What can you expect when you have a marriage counselling session with a qualified Honeymooners Forever Counsellor?

Marriage counselling, Inside a session, Save our marriage, Marriage book, Separated almost over

Have you started losing faith in your relationship? Are you constantly fighting, or avoiding confrontation, and filled with resentment? Are you unsure of how to get back to how ‘it was’ at the start? Many couples cannot ‘fix’ their relationship alone. So, why not seek a little professional help? As a marriage and crisis counsellor, it is our honour to help couples reconnect and become happy again. Helping couples fall back in love is one of the greatest joys in our job. Now, let’s get to work…

What are your issues?

When you book a counselling session, you will be offered a (virtual) seat on the couch’, and discuss confidentiality. We need to get to know you both, so we will ask about your: lifestyle, work hours, weekly commitments, children (and any parenting struggles), and/or pets. What has caused you to seek help now? What are the issues? We will determine your level of independence, how much time you devote to each other, how you treat each other, how you feel about each other, how your sex life is, and if there have been any physical or emotional affairs.

Are you safe?

We document any signs of: depression (including any suicidal thinking), anxiety, grief and loss, other mental health disorders, addiction or escapism (drugs, alcohol, prescription medication, spending, porn, gambling or workaholism). We check for control issues, such as the cycle of power and control, verbal abuse or physical abuse. We often do a Life Balance Wheel Checklist from Phoebe’s 2nd book, Are You Listening? Life is Talking to You, if we feel either of you are not coping with life. In this checklist, we ask about your: thoughts, self esteem, loss or traumas, emotions, diet and exercise, support networks, hobbies, finances and the way you feel about your daily activities. Your personal safety always comes first.

What are your communication patterns?

We look out for any of these ten patterns:

  1. The Competitive couple
  2. The Fight over Facts couple
  3. The Dominating versus the Submissive partner
  4. The Flip couple (He is emotionally needy, and she is logical/feeling smothered)The Emotionally Distant partner (one partner is only there in body, not mind)
  5. The Cat and Dog couple (Highly argumentative couple)
  6. Triangulation (Two people against one, such as parent and child against the other partner)
  7. The Grieving partner (who may either withdraw, or become frequently angered)
  8. One partner puts children first, other partner withdraws.
  9. The Spontaneous versus The Highly Structured partner.

We establish who has resentment, and who would benefit with assertiveness training.
Often deep trauma release work, such as EMDR, works well in correcting long term ‘mental blocks’ such as avoiding conflict

How do you argue?

How do you argue, and how often? What are your styles? Does one partner run? Is there a ‘silent treatment giver’ in the house? Do either of you yell, swear, or intimidate the other? Do you believe that no arguments is the best policy, and therefore not argue? If you happen to start an argument in session, We watch closely, for a moment; We are a ‘relationship detective’ after all; We watch, listen, and notice subtle clues to help solve the mystery of your relationship. Every interaction, every gesture, from body language, to facial expressions, helps us interpret your relationship strengths and weaknesses.

What do we promise?

We promise we will make everything as easy as possible. We can’t promise that you will laugh at our jokes, but they should help you feel more relaxed. We promise we will ask intrusive, and sometimes embarrassing, questions, as thorough assessment is vital to ensure relevant strategies can be given fast. We promise that most of the couples we work with are able to resolve presenting issues within 6 sessions (with the exception of complications such as: affairs, mental health issues, or recovery from separation; as these issues take longer). We promise our diagnosis is thorough, to ensure the homework and strategies are simple. We promise you simple solutions, so you are not overwhelmed. We promise we will treat you both equally, and with love, and respect.

Why are we so passionate about saving marriages? Phoebe saved her own failing marriage twenty years ago, and we have been saving marriages ever since. Thousands of relationships have been healed and transformed using the Honeymooners Forever Strategy, and there is no reason why yours should be any different.

Many couples often begin with a strong connection but find themselves encountering challenges they struggle to resolve independently. Seeking relationship therapy can be pivotal in such moments. Therapists conduct thorough assessments to uncover both conscious and unconscious behavioural patterns, as well as identify any underlying mental health issues or past traumas that may be impacting the relationship. This process creates a supportive space to openly explore these complexities, enhance communication, and collaboratively develop strategies to navigate and overcome these obstacles. Considering therapy could mark a proactive step towards fostering a healthier and more resilient relationship foundation.

The Honeymooners Forever strategy digs deep... to determine the following factors about you both:

1. Childhood history (basic)

2. Your Parents Relationships

3. How you currently argue / avoid arguments ie. Silent treatments, Yelling, Swearing, Put downs.

4. Have either of the clients had/having an affair?

5. Work hours / Stress

6. Children

7. Resentment?

8. Drug or alcohol issues

9. Mental Health Issues, such as anxiety or Depression

10. Communication styles

11. Patterns: Flip Couple, Dominating partner, Who is structured / spontaneous?

12. Control or abuse Cycle?

And more…

Great marital therapy is Goal Based

We will also ask what your goals are for the relationship. Relationship Therapy is very goal focused. We use Solution Focused Therapy, and much more. For example. We will also ask each of you to identify 5 x things you love about your spouse.

Not all relationships can (or should) be saved.

You may wish to make a booking to speak to one of our team without your partner, as you may be indecisive about whether you want to remain in the relationship. Once a person has reached ‘snap point’ it is harder to repair the damage to the relationship. Needless to say, we often find a client simply wanting answers, before they end the relationship. In this case, we could spend a few sessions talking, allowing you the space to investigate / clarify feelings. We often use brainspotting or Somatic Therapy to assist with deep subconscious blocks. This allows the client to make the decision from a grounded frame of mind, rather than feeling confused.

The problems won't go just by having Date Nights!

Many couples tell us us that they have been working really hard at the relationship, and having date nights. That’s great! However, to heal a relationship, people often need professional help. Date Nights are brilliant… But they are simply Not Enough.

Be mindful of these vital 3 x things:

1. What you are doing wrong.
2. What steps you need to do, every day, to fall back in love, communicate really well, and regain the sense of team.
3. How to argue effectively.

We teach all our clients all these things. Have a nice cuppa, set up your phone (for telehealth), and let us get to work on transforming your relationship. We aim to make the process as fun, and easy, as possible.

Hope to see you soon. We know we can work together to make your relationship amazing again!

How do we know? Well, if you both want an amazing relationship, then our counsellors will give you the tools…the rest is easy. We’ve seen these tools work over, and over, again…and thousands of clients and readers have benefited from these techniques for years. When your therapy begins, you will be mailed a copy of our book, Honeymooners Forever, Twelve Step Marriage Survival Guide.

We absolutely LOVE helping couples get their relationships back on track… fast!
